Saturday, June 2, 2012

Senses Enhanced

Weird things start to happen when you begin to lead a different life. I’m not sure if it’s the side effects of Malaria medication or simply that I am beginning to change, but my senses have suddenly become very intense, particularly my sense of smell and taste. I guessing that the very realistic and very odd dreams are due to the medication and the intensification of sense is reality. Let me explain. All ‘cosmetic’ items like shampoo, body lotion, conditioner and sunscreen suddenly smell incredible. They smell something like what they smell like in the U.S. but magnified by at least 50. Usually, I would smell how  ‘great’ lotion smelled right as I was putting it on and within say 20 minutes the smell would diminish, but when I put it on here the smell hangs around all day and eventually becomes intermingled with the smell of sweat(inevitable) but the smell is still around 8 hours later! Incredible, St.Ives you have blown my world. Gosh, I didn’t even buy the good smelling stuff, I have here “Mineral Therapy” it promises to “bring ‘me’ the best of nature with formulas that delight the senses as they leave ‘my’ skin with a soft, fresh feel. We understand that little every day choices we make help to better your life.” I couldn’t agree more. Seriously, I used to laugh at the marketing skills that these companies come up with; they must be getting someone in a third world country to write these things because from this perspective not only are they honest but they are insightful. Odder things have happened.

Now it’s time for the food. Because the diet, when we have food, is intensely bland and the consistence akin to the texture of baby food with mashed rice,(unless there is some dirt in it, very common, or fish bones, less common but there is no way around eating them) when I do eat or smell something DELICIOUS it’s like an explosion. Just the act of opening a bag of trail mix from ‘christmas’ packages or walking into a bitik that has bread is almost overpowering in how wonderful it smells. Then the tastes, man, I don’t think I can do it justice. In AMERCAA, you couldn’t get me to choose to eat dried prunes. Now, I dream about dried prunes, dried fruit and food of anytype. It’s a plus that the dried prunes have fun facts on the packaging, “Super Fruit Fact: are a low fat snack that aids in appetite control.” Nothing is better than have your tastes explode while being entertained by English words, thank you for a moment of joy Sunsweet, thank you!

Because I have so much time on my hands, it’s common for me to daydream about what I would be doing if I was in America right now. And I can say that right now if I were to fly back, the very first place I would go would be a restaurant, I don’t care what type as long as there was food available. But that would only be to add a layer of protection because the next stop would be a grocery store. Grocery store, I miss you. 

1 comment:

  1. Sarah! It's Margo!
    Glad to see you're still able to connect to the Internet :) Your posts are really insightful and fun (and educational), keep it up!
    Home is rainy and mid-70s, so you're definitely not missing too much! It sounds like you're definitely getting an experience you'll never forget, don't get too discouraged. For some reason I don't think this will be your last trip to Africa...
    I leave for Xi'an, China in a week...I confess that I haven't even started packing yet! :)
