There is much to say as I have waited to start this story until I had officially received my Invitation packet. It 'finally' came, as I believe most nominees would describe the feeling. I had been religiously stalking the mailbox, but it was silently placed in between my front doors waiting for me when I got home from work. There were many things going through my head and heart as I opened the package and saw the words "The Gambia." The Peace Corps is not to be undertaken without consideration, and through the layout of the application process it makes sure that applicants, nominees, and invitees consider what they are dedicating 27 months of their lives too. I am sure that there will be challenges and great times ahead, moments when I feel utterly stranded, and moments when I am so full of love for the Gambians and the culture. But this is only the starting line and I am so very excited for this newest adventure to begin.
"Life in the Peace Corps will not be easy. There will be no salary and allowances will be at a level sufficient only to maintain health and meet basic needs. Men and women will be expected to work and live alongside the nationals of the country in which they are stationed—doing the same work, eating the same food, talking the same language. But if the life will not be easy, it will be rich and satisfying. For every young American who participates in the Peace Corps- who works in a foreign land- will know that he or she is sharing in the great common task to bringing to man that decent way of life which is the foundation of freedom and a condition of peace. "
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